
forked nose Learn more about forked nose

  • How to raise kennel

    How to raise kennel

    Dogfish, also known as forked-nose cuttlefish, have a wide variety of species, such as black spotted cuttlefish, star-spotted cuttlefish, map forked-nose cuttlefish, zebra-forked-nose cuttlefish, white-spotted forked-nose cuttlefish, Philippine forked-nose cuttlefish and so on. It is a warm water fish. So, how to raise kennel? First, how does the kennel fish

    2020-11-11 Dog head fish how raise dog head also called forked nose fugu
  • Diagnosis and prevention of donkey disease

    Diagnosis and prevention of donkey disease

    In terms of habits, meat donkeys are more resistant to rough feeding and disease resistance than horses, cattle and other livestock, but it does not mean that they do not get sick. Donkeys have a strong tolerance to general diseases, so attention must be paid to the diagnosis and treatment to prevent the occurrence of epidemic diseases. Observation and diagnosis of donkey disease healthy donkeys always have a high head and neck, erect ears, move freely, chew forcefully when eating grass, and make a sound. The mouth color is fresh, the nose and ears are mild, the dung ball hardness is moderate, the appearance is moist and bright. If the donkey bows his head and droops his ears, he is in low spirits and has hair on his nose and ears.

  • Diagnosis and prevention of donkey disease in raising donkey

    Diagnosis and prevention of donkey disease in raising donkey

    In terms of habits, meat donkeys are more resistant to rough feeding and disease resistance than horses, cattle and other livestock, but it does not mean that they do not get sick. Donkeys have a strong tolerance to general diseases, so attention must be paid to the diagnosis and treatment to prevent the occurrence of epidemic diseases. Donkey disease

    2020-11-08 Raise donkeys donkeys sick diagnosis and prevention meat donkeys from habits
  • What kind of animal is Gui?

    What kind of animal is Gui?

    The word "Yi" first appeared in Mr. Lu Xun's article, and many people don't know what kind of animal it is. Let's find out about it today. First, "what kind of animal" is called dog badger, Mustelidae, dog badger genus. Flat head, sharp nose, short ears, round body and neck

    2020-11-11 What is it animal Chinese character most first now Lu Xun first.
  • Makiko picture

    Makiko picture

    Makiko picture

  • Where are the green onion planting techniques?

    Where are the green onion planting techniques?

    Where are the green onion planting techniques? What are the steps of planting green onions? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the planting technology of green onion. The following planting steps are listed for netizens 'reference. Step one, preparation before sowing: selection of onion field: green onion seedling bed...

  • How to prevent swine blister disease in pig farms? What's the difference between foot and mouth disease?

    How to prevent swine blister disease in pig farms? What's the difference between foot and mouth disease?

    How to prevent swine blister disease in pig farms? What's the difference between foot and mouth disease?

  • Distribution of producing area of belt fish

    Distribution of producing area of belt fish

    Distribution of producing area of belt fish

  • How to choose and buy Miao pig scientifically?

    How to choose and buy Miao pig scientifically?

    How to choose and buy Miao pig scientifically?

  • Prevention and Control of Diplotrematosis in Platyrhynchus platyrhynchus

    Prevention and Control of Diplotrematosis in Platyrhynchus platyrhynchus

    Platyrhinoceros is a first-class national protected animal. In recent years, with the increasing concern and attention paid to the protection of this species, its artificial reproduction has been included in the agenda of aquatic wildlife protection in Tibet Autonomous Region. In 2004, the Institute of Fishery Sciences discovered that some parent fish collected and bred by the Institute of Fishery Sciences suffered from blindness, eyeball cataract and other symptoms during the process of "artificial propagation of flat-nose fish", while the effect of drug treatment on them was very small, which affected the artificial propagation of flat-nose fish. to identify

  • How to diagnose vesicular disease in pigs

    How to diagnose vesicular disease in pigs

    Common vesicular diseases of pigs include foot-and-mouth disease, vesicular disease, vesicular rash and vesicular stomatitis, etc., all of which are characterized by blisters on the mouth and feet. 1. Foot and mouth disease. It infects a variety of animals, mainly cloven hoofed animals, and humans can also be infected. Cattle are susceptible, followed by pigs, sheep, goats and camels, and young animals are susceptible. Infectious sources are sick animals and infected animals, and transmission vectors are respiratory tract, digestive tract and wound. There is no seasonal epidemic, but it occurs more in winter and spring.

  • Teach you how to distinguish between male and female pigeons

    Teach you how to distinguish between male and female pigeons

    Pigeon meat is rich in nutrition, delicate meat, good taste, high nutritional value than other poultry, has always been the top grade of meat, known as "one pigeon is better than nine chickens". It is not only a valuable delicacy, but also an advanced tonic, which has the effects of tonifying qi and tonifying blood, and has a certain auxiliary effect on hair loss, eczema and premature senility. it is especially suitable for pregnant women, children, the elderly, surgical patients and the weak. The market potential of squab consumption is huge. There is little difference in the appearance of male and female meat pigeons. Male and female identification is an important link in the introduction and breeding of meat pigeons.

  • How much is the current price of pigs? How to choose? What should I pay attention to?

    How much is the current price of pigs? How to choose? What should I pay attention to?

    Piglet, also known as piglet, piglet, also known as piglet, refers to pigs from birth to about 60 kg. So how much is the current price of piglets? How to choose? What should I pay attention to when raising? From Changsha pig farm know, different

    2020-11-11 at present the price of young pigs is about how much how much money one head how to choose.
  • Pictures of sika deer

    Pictures of sika deer

    Pictures of sika deer

  • The landscape competition in Germany is despised. Let's take a look at the Hungarian one.

    The landscape competition in Germany is despised. Let's take a look at the Hungarian one.

    The Hungarian Landscape Competition is sponsored by the Green Aquarium (ADA Hungary)-the largest water plant landscaping competition in Hungary. At the end of the 2016 competition, four winners won special awards (including 3 in the normal cylinder group category and 1 in the micro cylinder category.

  • How to choose pig seedlings? How to improve the survival rate of pig seedlings?

    How to choose pig seedlings? How to improve the survival rate of pig seedlings?

    Last year, under the influence of African classical swine fever, pork prices rose. This year, many farmers are very optimistic about the pork market, and as a result, more and more farmers raise pigs. Farmers want to raise pigs, the most important thing is to buy pig seedlings, generally speaking, normal

    2020-11-27 Pig fry how to select how to improve the survival rate last year
  • Breeding techniques of Sika Deer

    Breeding techniques of Sika Deer

    Breeding techniques of Sika Deer

  • What kind of fish is mixed with colorful fairy fish?

    What kind of fish is mixed with colorful fairy fish?

    What kind of fish is mixed with colorful fairy fish?

  • Prevention and treatment of diseases in pigs in winter and spring

    Prevention and treatment of diseases in pigs in winter and spring

    The disease is an infectious disease of piglets caused by Salmonella. The morbidity and mortality of piglets aged from 1 to 4 months were high. The disease is endemic or sporadic and often occurs in cold, changeable climate and overcast and rainy seasons. poor environmental hygiene and decreased resistance of piglets can induce the disease. Symptoms and pathological changes in the early stage of acute onset, similar to classical swine fever, need to be combined with other examinations, the typical symptoms are persistent dysentery, chronic process, some piglets also have pneumonia symptoms. Lesions: acute cases often died of shock, extremities congestion was purple, the whole body showed septicemia.

  • What is the best color of koi and the selection of koi?

    What is the best color of koi and the selection of koi?

    The main purpose of screening brocade carp is to eliminate the bad fish and select the good one with ornamental value. So how to screen the superior brocade carp with ornamental value? The screening of brocade carp is nothing more than to see the size and size of brocade carp, and.
